
 Am trying to create a Tunneling IPV6 VS to IPv4 RS.below are the commands i 
used .

ipvsadm -A -t [fd21:d1aa:194a:3515:0:1:0:0]:80 -s rr

ipvsadm -a -t [fd21:d1aa:194a:3515:0:1:0:0]:80 -r -i

root@ -Ln

IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)

Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags

  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn

TCP  [fd21:d1aa:194a:3515:0:1::]:80 rr

  ->             Tunnel  1      2          0        


While connecting the Virtual server, the request is not passing to the tunneled 
IPV4 real server. 

root@ -i bond0 -vvAzzxxxX ip6 | grep http

tcpdump: listening on bond0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 

17:41:28.802885 IP6 (hlim 64, next-header TCP (6) payload length: 40) 
fe80::5054:ff:feb8:d153.53343 > fd21:d1aa:194a:3515:0:1::.http: Flags [S], 
cksum 0x8d28 (correct), seq 616138939, win 14400, options [mss 1440,sackOK,TS 
val 2619026270 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0

17:41:35.376335 IP6 (hlim 64, next-header TCP (6) payload length: 40) 
fe80::5054:ff:feb8:d153.53344 > fd21:d1aa:194a:3515:0:1::.http: Flags [S], 
cksum 0x870f (correct), seq 693727359, win 14400, options [mss 1440,sackOK,TS 
val 2619032850 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0

17:41:36.376316 IP6 (hlim 64, next-header TCP (6) payload length: 40) 
fe80::5054:ff:feb8:d153.53344 > fd21:d1aa:194a:3515:0:1::.http: Flags [S], 
cksum 0x8327 (correct), seq 693727359, win 14400, options [mss 1440,sackOK,TS 
val 2619033850 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0

17:41:38.376295 IP6 (hlim 64, next-header TCP (6) payload length: 40) 
fe80::5054:ff:feb8:d153.53344 > fd21:d1aa:194a:3515:0:1::.http: Flags [S], 
cksum 0x7b57 (correct), seq 693727359, win 14400, options [mss 1440,sackOK,TS 
val 2619035850 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0

17:41:42.376307 IP6 (hlim 64, next-header TCP (6) payload length: 40) 
fe80::5054:ff:feb8:d153.53344 > fd21:d1aa:194a:3515:0:1::.http: Flags [S], 
cksum 0x6bb7 (correct), seq 693727359, win 14400, options [mss 1440,sackOK,TS 
val 2619039850 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0

root@ -a

Linux 4.16.11-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 22 15:34:16 EDT 
2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

root@ -v

ipvsadm v1.29 2016/12/23 (compiled with popt and IPVS v1.2.1)

is there anything need to done to achieve this. 


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