On Wed, 2008-08-20 at 09:11 -0700, Steve DeLaney wrote:
> Hello there, I am new to this forum, but have previously completed projects
> using uIP.
> Now I am working to integrate lwIP and lwBT, starting with a native Linux
> X86 reference build.
> So far this has been trial and error coming up with a build 
> tree and makefiles.  It looks like lwBT is supposed to be built under
> netif/lwbt.
> There are a few compiler issues to be resolved under gcc 4.1.2
> Is there a stable linux build of lwIP plus lwBT, like in a contributed port,
> that can be used as a starting point?

Not that I'm aware of.  It sounds like most of your questions are about
how to build lwBT, so I'd suggest contacting the developers of that.


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