Noam weissman:
I have a problem that I have seen lots or users straggling with, but without any real solution.

I am trying to send data in a loop. I have triad closing NAGLE as follows:

// this should shut down the NAGLE algorithm

pcb->flags |= TF_NODELAY | TF_ACK_NOW;

Please don't use stack-internal variables and defines like this. Instead, use the TCP API function tcp_nagle_disable() to disable the nagle algorithm.

I am calling tcp_output() on every tcp_write() but this does not help as well. I got ERR_MEM

after the 20^th something call to tcp_write()

That suggests your memory settings are too low.

I managed to find in one of the answers here that I should use a smaller window, meaning

change the settings in lwipopts.h… So I did, and it was a bit better.

/* TCP Maximum segment size. */

//#define TCP_MSS 1460

#define TCP_MSS 512

/* TCP sender buffer space (bytes). */

//#define TCP_SND_BUF (3*TCP_MSS)

#define TCP_SND_BUF (8*TCP_MSS)

Well, these two defines didn't change the window directly... But there's a good chance TCP_WND gets changed when changing TCP_MSS if you are using the default define from opt.h... Besides TCP_SND_BUF, you might want to increase TCP_SND_QUEUELEN and maybe also MEMP_NUM_TCP_SEG. Also, you might just run out of RAM in the heap (MEM_SIZE).

Well the above helped and I was able to send more small packets but after 32 instead of 20 it again

It stopped sending and I got ERR_MEM.

The most important thing is when I check wireshark I see that the stack is sending all my data in one

Frame ???

That's a little weired. Which version of lwIP are you using, anyway?

Now can someone explain what is going on ?

For every call to tcp_write the enqueue mechanism is advancing snd_queulen by one !

Of course it does. tcp_write cannot know in advance that the next thing you do is to call tcp_output. snd_queuelen is always incremented in tcp_write and decremented in tcp_output. The only thing changed by disabling nagle is that tcp_output always sends everything that is enqueued.

I see two problems here. If the stack eventually sends all these in one TCP packet why is snd_queulen incremented at all ??

Because every call to tcp_write creates a new pbuf. Although there is only one segment enqueued, this segments consists of multiple pbufs (unless you queue the data at application layer and pass it to tcp_write with one single call).

Secondly if I use pcb->flags |= TF_NODELAY why is the stack adding all the data into one packet ??



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