​Hello Joseph,​

I've got a few questions about IPv6 support.
> First, I've decided to try to use 2.0.0 RC2 for IPv6 support (is this
> wise?).
​Definitely: YES​

> Second, I've got a few questions about how to properly initialize an
> interface for IPv6. I have experience working with lwip 1.4.1 in IPv4 mode
> with no problem. However, I've spent a while trying to piece together clues
> for IPv6 but I can't seem to find much in the way of documentation or
> examples. Maybe you guys can send me in the right direction.
> Here's my initialization code (modeled loosely after how I'd do things in
> IPv4 mode).

​Look at the example init code:
Line 547

You should have a link-local address at index 0

No need to override the output functions.

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