Hello all,
I am trying to implement the ping software found in Contrib but I am having 
issues. I have successfully gotten the code to compile and while stepping 
through line by line it seems like everything is working correctly. The problem 
is that the computer I am trying to ping never responds. When I look at 
Wireshark, the ping message is received by the computer but the checksum is 
0x0000 so the computer seems to rejects it. When I stepped through the code the 
checksum is being calculated correctly and put into the message. Somehow it is 
being lost. Any ideas where to look for the issue?

I am running the latest LWIP and Contrib from the GIT server. I have LWIP set 
up correctly as I use it for sending and receiving data over UDP with no issues.

Also, is there any way to implement the ping program using  netconn instead of 

Thank you very much.

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