Hi all,

On 12/21/2017 1:23 AM, Ben Stuyts wrote:
TivaWare is TI's driver library / bare bones framework for the TM4C
family. It's stuck on lwIP version 1.4.1. As far as I know TI did
not express any interest in updating TivaWare to use newer lwIP.

LM3S series is NRND, and I wouldn’t touch the TM4C series with a ten
feet pole because of that. But we have a couple of designs with an
LM3S8938 that I’d like to update to get access to the latest lwIP

The TM4C-Series is actually pretty decent. They have completely changed the peripherals that made the most problems (Ethernet, SSI, Flash).

Most relevant here, the Ethernet is much more fun especially if you want to support IEEE1588 (PTP) as we do.

We want to upgrade our code to 2.0.3 as well. If anyone knows of a
working port for this platform or what adaptations must be made
then please point us to it. Ben, if none exists then perhaps we can
combine our efforts.

Definitely interested. But if anybody has already done some work on
it, please let us know.

We are using a git-HEAD of a few month ago both with LM3S and TM4C; I will try to find time today or tomorrow to pull out relevant parts of our repository.

I have published our LM3S port in <https://github.com/toelke/lwip-stellaris-standalone/> a few years ago. I should update it.

Stay tuned!

Philipp Tölke
Head of Data Analytics
+49 89 99954258 | philipp.toe...@fos4x.de


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