Thanks Jens , your Question has pointed out the problem , now I can receive
the packets too.
my hardware MAC is stm32f427 and I had the multicast filter enabled so I
changed some line on the MAC initialization from
macinit.MulticastFramesFilter = ETH_MULTICASTFRAMESFILTER_NONE;
and after that the board  can receive the packets, may be I need to make
use of the filter in the future.

Thanks again.

Best Regards,
Amr Elsayed.
RA @ E-JUST <>.
Founder & Engineer @ DIY-Life <>.

On 11 July 2018 at 19:30, Jens Nielsen <> wrote:

> Hi
> On which hardware? You may have to enable reception of multicast frames in
> your ethernet controller
> BR /Jens
> On 2018-07-11 02:12, Amr Elsayed wrote:
> Dear LWIP users and team,
> I am trying to send and receive IGMP multicast messages using RAW API's ,
> I can only send but can not receive back the messages by a board running
> the same code (without sending packets).On wireshark I can  see the "IGMP
> Membership report Group " packets for both devices  and I can also see the
> UDP messages I send periodically to the multicast IP, but on receiver board
> having the same code that I also share below I can not receive back the
> Multicast messages and the udp_recv set callback function is never called.
> also i tried to put a breakpoint in ip4_input inside the if condition of
> the  multicast packets but the breakpoint is never getting fired.
>   if (ip4_addr_ismulticast(ip4_current_dest_addr())) {
>               // ...
>   }
> so this may do means that the sent UDP message have something wrong
> despite that I can see the packet on wireshark ?
> I have netif->flags|= NETIF_FLAG_IGMP; and i am sure igmp_start() is
> called.
> to summarize the problem I do have I can join IGMP group and send UDP
> messages to the multicast IP as on wireshark but I can not receive that
> message on another board running the same code.
> code:
> #define MULTICAST_PORT 9533
> static char multicast_ip[] = "";
> static char dummyData[] = "Hello from board";
> #define UDP_APP_INTERVAL 5000
> static struct udp_pcb *multiAppPcb;
> static ip_addr_t multicastIp;
> static uint32_t multiAppTime = 0 ;
> // prototypes
> void multicast_init(void);
> int multicast_send_data(const char* buff,uint16_t len );.
> static void multicast_recv(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p,
>                  const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port);
> void main( void ){
>  // .. initializations
>   LWIP_Init();
>   multicast_init();
>   while(1)
>   {
>        MX_LWIP_Process(hal_time);
>        // only on sender board..
> if(time - multiAppTime > UDP_APP_INTERVAL)
> {
> multiAppTime = time ;
> uint16_t totLen = strlen(dummyData);
> multicast_send_data(dummyData,totLen);
> }
>   }
> void
> multicast_init(void)
> {
>       multicastIp.addr = ipaddr_addr(multicast_ip);
> multiAppPcb = udp_new_ip_type(IPADDR_TYPE_ANY);
> if (multiAppPcb != NULL) {
>     err_t err;
>     err = udp_bind(multiAppPcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, MULTICAST_PORT);
>     if (err == ERR_OK) {
> err_t iret =
> igmp_joingroup(IP_ADDR_ANY,(const struct ip4_addr *)(&multicastIp));
> if(iret){
> initErr = 1 ;
> return ;
> }
> #endif // LWIP_IGMP
> udp_set_multicast_netif_addr(multiAppPcb,(const struct ip4_addr
> *)(&multicastIp));
> udp_set_multicast_ttl(multiAppPcb,5);
> udp_recv(multiAppPcb, multicast_recv, multiAppPcb);
>     } else {
>       /* abort? output diagnostic? */
> initErr = 1;
>     }
>   } else {
>     /* abort? output diagnostic? */
> initErr = 1;
>   }
> }
> int multicast_send_data(const char* buff,uint16_t len )
> {
> err_t err;
>   if (initErr == 1)
> return 1 ;
> struct pbuf *p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,len,PBUF_RAM);
> int ret  = 0 ;
> if(p == NULL)
> return 1 ;
> if(pbuf_take(p,buff,len) != ERR_OK)
> {
> ret = 1 ;
> goto udp_app_send_end;
> }
> err = udp_sendto(multiAppPcb, p, &multicastIp, MULTICAST_PORT) ;
> if(err != ERR_OK)
> ret = 1 ;
> udp_app_send_end:
> pbuf_free(p);
> return ret ;
> }
> static void
> multicast_recv(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p,
>                  const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port)
> {
>   if (p != NULL) {
>     /* send received packet back to sender */
> //udp_sendto(upcb, p, addr, port);
>   char* recv_buff = (char*) mem_malloc(p->tot_len);
>   if(recv_buff){
>   extract_payload(p,recv_buff);
>   multicast_recv_callback(recv_buff,p->tot_len);
>   }else{
>   multicast_recv_callback(NULL,p->tot_len);
>   }
>     /* free the pbuf */
>     pbuf_free(p);
>   }
> }
> void  extract_payload(struct pbuf *p,char *payload)
> {
> struct pbuf *q = p ;
> while(q)
> {
> for(int i = 0  ; i < q->len ; i++ )
> {
> payload[i] =((char*)(q->payload))[i];
> }
> q = p->next;
> }
> }
> void multicast_recv_callback(char* buff, int len )
> {
> if(buff != NULL){
> }else{
> // invalid
> }
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------
> Best Regards,
> Amr Elsayed.
> RA @ E-JUST <>.
> Founder & Engineer @ DIY-Life <>.
> +201223240852.
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