Hey all,

we have a weird behavior of one of our devices and I wonder if anyone could 
provide any pointers as to what is going on.
(pcap attached)


  *   Our device is in this capture
  *   Other device is
  *   Pcap contains only one TCP stream between the two
  *   We are using the socket API on top of LWIP 1.4.1

Good behavior:

  *   In #9, the peer sends a retransmission because our device didn't answer 
for 240ms
  *   In #10, we ACK that retransmission with no payload and everything looks 

Weird behavior:

  *   In #92 there is another retransmission by the peer after 527ms and we 
even take another 478ms to answer
  *   #93 ACKs the retransmission but does not increase the ACK number to 
include the payload of the retransmission
  *   So that retransmission is sent again and again (exponential back-off) but 
the payload is never ACKed
  *   Meanwhile our device happily sends payloads and the gateway ACKs them

What is happening here?

Kind regards

Attachment: LWIP_retrans_ACK.pcapng
Description: LWIP_retrans_ACK.pcapng

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