Hello everybody,

I use LWIP 2.1.2 on a STM32 and would like to use SLIP_RX_FROM_ISR. To do that 
I set SLIP_RX_FROM_ISR to 1 and SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT to 1. Now I can use

slipif_received_byte() from my serial rx interrupt and slipif_process_rxqueue() 
in the main to get the data out of the buffer.

However, when I set SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT to 1 I get the error:

"identifier sys_prot_t is undefined", thus I have defined it with: typedef 
unsigned int sys_prot_t.

But now I get the error message:

"identifier old_level is undefined"

Did anybody had the same problem? Can anybody help? Any ideas?

I really appreciate any help.

Best regards,


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