Hi Simon,

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 10:11:23PM +0100, goldsi...@gmx.de wrote:
> Well, yes, my bad. The question wasn't phrased well. The thing I don't
> understand (because I'm not using it) probably all boils down to using
> lwIP as a PPP 'proxy' to remote networks without doing NAT at the same
> time (which we don't support in mainline). That's not standard routing...

Or the contrary, that's standard IP routing, it's just totally useless 
with residential ISPs because most don't allow customers to add route 
entries on their gateway so it's just a flat subnet with no routing 
capability. Business ISPs usually offer the option, it's very common for 
business customers to have a delegated subnet that's properly routable.


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