Reviewer: Ines Robles
Review result: Ready

Document: draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrained-node-networks-11
Reviewer: Ines Robles
Review Date: 2020-10-20


This document provides guidance on how to implement and use the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP) in Constrained-Node Networks  (CNNs), which are a
characterstic of the Internet of Things (IoT).

The document is clear to understand.

Major Issues: None

Minor Issues: None.

1- Should section 2 "Conventions used in this document" be removed? I have not
found Normative language into the document 2- Questions: Following my
understanding, the transport features provided by TCP [RFC 8095 - Section
3.1.3] are covered in this document, right? or there some of the mentioned
features that does not apply to CNN?

Thank you for this document,


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