On Sun, 2014-06-08 at 12:38 +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> Hi folks

> currently I've got 3 container paths on some hosts:

>       /var/lib/lxc    local containers
>       /data1/lxc      network services
>       /data2/lxc      network services

> /data1 and /data2 are part of a high availability setup
> (using drbd or iscsi). They might not be available, but
> bound to another host.

> The problem is: Having to use the correct -P flag for each
> and every lxc command is apita, not to mention that I have
> to run many commands thrice.

> Do you think it would be possible for lxc to manage n > 1
> container paths?

>       lxcpath=/var/lib/lxc:/data1/lxc:/data2/lxc

This exact topic has come up before and the discussion really never came
to a firm conclusion.  I don't think Serge and Stéphane were overly
enthused by the idea and there was some concerns over ambiguities (same
container name in two paths and path ordering) and having a ":" being a
reserved character and no longer allowed in a directory name (but the
PATH variable is the exact same syntax).  I personally liked the idea
and volunteered to do the parser for it and had been looking at the
parsers in bash and busybox.  Serge seemed to be receptive if someone
submitted a patch.  At that point, the discussion just kinda faded away
without a yea or nay and I got busy working on other things and other
projects and forgot about it.  I'm willing to revisit this.

I see, reviewing my notes now, that you were the one who brought it up
back in December last year.  Funny too that I just got done doing
something very very similar for lxc-autostart and the -g/--groups
parameter (which is a comma separated string with multiple invocations).

Doing lxc_path as multiple elements is much more involved that just the
mere parser as that variable is deeply embedded throughout the code.
Given Stéphane's reluctance to incorporate the lxc-autostart patches
into the stable-1.0 branch, I can pretty much foresee this not making it
into that branch due to its complexity, so it probably wouldn't show up
in a release until 1.1 time frame or later.

I'll give it a look again.

> Regards
> Harri

Michael H. Warfield (AI4NB) | (770) 978-7061 |  m...@wittsend.com
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   NIC whois: MHW9          | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
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