Branch: refs/heads/stable-4.0
  Commit: 69c8ec8a4f796ba7b299f970537c9f9047aaace5
  Author: Christian Brauner <>
  Date:   2021-03-05 (Fri, 05 Mar 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M src/lxc/af_unix.c

  Log Message:
  af_unix: vet all parameters

Signed-off-by: Christian Brauner <>

  Commit: 95ef7b2f98f486c2cceb8a5576e275f815454460
  Author: Tycho Andersen <>
  Date:   2021-03-05 (Fri, 05 Mar 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M src/lxc/cgroups/cgroup.c

  Log Message:
  cgroup: do not fail if there are no writable heirarchies

This is a spiritual revert of 5c7b81439cecfbd885b3c10f9edfefdc1ac7c45b (it
doesn't add back any of the logs, just removes the bad check).

Not having writable hierarchies is not actually a problem:

1. if I remove this check, things work just fine; below is a successful log
   of a run where there are no writable hierarchies

2. I believe the test for writability is slightly incorrect.
   unified_hierarchy_delegated() and legacy_hierarchy_delegated() both test
   the writability of $current_hierarchy/cgroup.procs. On my system, I

~ cat /proc/self/cgroup
~ ls -al /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/user/tycho/0/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 tycho tycho 0 Feb 22 09:17 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 root  root  0 Mar  2 14:07 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  0 Mar  2 14:07 cgroup.clone_children
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  0 Mar  2 14:09 cgroup.procs
-r--r--r-- 1 root  root  0 Mar  2 14:07 freezer.parent_freezing
-r--r--r-- 1 root  root  0 Mar  2 14:07 freezer.self_freezing
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  0 Mar  2 14:07 freezer.state
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  0 Mar  2 14:07 notify_on_release
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root  0 Mar  2 14:07 tasks

i.e. the cgroup.procs is not writable by me. but since the directory is
owned by me, it is actually usable in the way LXC would use it. When I
start an unprivileged container, it could make a subdirectory in whatever
current hierarchy I happen to be before applying rules.

In any case, let's just revert the bad check for now.

lxc 20210302210944.785 INFO     confile - confile.c:set_config_idmaps:2151 - 
Read uid map: type u nsid 0 hostid 1000 range 1
lxc 20210302210944.785 INFO     confile - confile.c:set_config_idmaps:2151 - 
Read uid map: type u nsid 1 hostid 100001 range 65535
lxc 20210302210944.785 INFO     confile - confile.c:set_config_idmaps:2151 - 
Read uid map: type g nsid 0 hostid 1000 range 1
lxc 20210302210944.785 INFO     confile - confile.c:set_config_idmaps:2151 - 
Read uid map: type g nsid 1 hostid 100001 range 65535
lxc 20210302210944.786 INFO     conf - conf.c:userns_exec_mapped_root:4644 - 
Container root id is mapped to our uid
lxc 20210302210944.799 TRACE    commands - commands.c:lxc_cmd:510 - Connection 
refused - Command "get_init_pid" failed to connect command socket
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    commands - commands.c:lxc_server_init:2065 
- Created abstract unix socket "lxc/9beb6bd65573affd/command"
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init_handler:726 - 
Unix domain socket 3 for command server is ready
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    execute - execute.c:lxc_execute:97 - Doing 
lxc base 20210302210944.801 WARN     apparmor - 
lsm/apparmor.c:lsm_apparmor_ops_init:1268 - Per-container AppArmor profiles are 
disabled because the mac_admin capability is missing
lxc base 20210302210944.801 INFO     lsm - lsm/lsm.c:lsm_init_static:40 - 
Initialized LSM security driver AppArmor
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init:750 - Initialized 
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_serve_state_clients:448 - Set container state to STARTING
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_serve_state_clients:451 - No state clients registered
lxc base 20210302210944.801 INFO     utils - utils.c:get_rundir:260 - 
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set in the environment
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init:756 - Set 
container state to "STARTING"
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init:812 - Set 
environment variables
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init:817 - Ran 
pre-start hooks
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    start - start.c:setup_signal_fd:341 - 
Created signal file descriptor 6
lxc base 20210302210944.801 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init:826 - Set up 
signal fd
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     conf - conf.c:userns_exec_mapped_root:4644 
- Container root id is mapped to our uid
lxc base 20210302210944.803 TRACE    terminal - 
terminal.c:lxc_terminal_map_ids:859 - Chowned terminal 8((null))
lxc base 20210302210944.803 DEBUG    terminal - 
terminal.c:lxc_terminal_peer_default:665 - No such device - The process does 
not have a controlling terminal
lxc base 20210302210944.803 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init:834 - Created 
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:legacy_hierarchy_delegated:3076 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.procs file is not writable, skipping legacy hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     cgfsng - 
cgroups/cgfsng.c:unified_hierarchy_delegated:3066 - Permission denied - The 
cgroup.threads file is not writable, skipping unified hierarchy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 TRACE    cgroup - cgroups/cgroup.c:cgroup_init:49 - 
Initialized cgroup driver cgfsng
lxc base 20210302210944.803 WARN     cgroup - cgroups/cgroup.c:cgroup_init:58 - 
Unsupported cgroup layout
lxc base 20210302210944.803 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init:841 - Initialized 
cgroup driver
lxc base 20210302210944.803 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init:846 - Read 
seccomp policy
lxc base 20210302210944.803 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_init:853 - Initialized 
lxc base 20210302210944.803 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_init:855 - Container 
"base" is initialized
lxc base 20210302210944.803 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_init:141 - 
Initialized synchronization infrastructure
lxc base 20210302210944.803 TRACE    conf - conf.c:lxc_rootfs_prepare:511 - Not 
pinning because container runs in user namespace
lxc base 20210302210944.804 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1732 - Cloned 
child process 923788
lxc base 20210302210944.804 TRACE    utils - utils.c:lxc_can_use_pidfd:1799 - 
Kernel supports pidfds
lxc base 20210302210944.804 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1748 - Cloned 
lxc base 20210302210944.804 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1748 - Cloned 
lxc base 20210302210944.804 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1748 - Cloned 
lxc base 20210302210944.804 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1748 - Cloned 
lxc base 20210302210944.804 INFO     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1748 - Cloned 
lxc base 20210302210944.804 DEBUG    start - 
start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved user namespace via fd 15 and 
stashed path as user:/proc/923785/fd/15
lxc base 20210302210944.804 DEBUG    start - 
start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved mnt namespace via fd 16 and 
stashed path as mnt:/proc/923785/fd/16
lxc base 20210302210944.804 DEBUG    start - 
start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved pid namespace via fd 17 and 
stashed path as pid:/proc/923785/fd/17
lxc base 20210302210944.804 DEBUG    start - 
start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved uts namespace via fd 18 and 
stashed path as uts:/proc/923785/fd/18
lxc base 20210302210944.804 DEBUG    start - 
start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved ipc namespace via fd 19 and 
stashed path as ipc:/proc/923785/fd/19
lxc base 20210302210944.804 DEBUG    conf - 
conf.c:idmaptool_on_path_and_privileged:2798 - The binary "/usr/bin/newuidmap" 
does have the setuid bit set
lxc base 20210302210944.804 DEBUG    conf - 
conf.c:idmaptool_on_path_and_privileged:2798 - The binary "/usr/bin/newgidmap" 
does have the setuid bit set
lxc base 20210302210944.804 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2866 - 
Functional newuidmap and newgidmap binary found
lxc base 20210302210944.813 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_wait_parent:112 - 
Parent waiting for child with sequence startup
lxc base 20210302210944.825 TRACE    conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2936 - newuidmap 
wrote mapping "newuidmap 923788 0 1000 1 1 100001 65535"
lxc base 20210302210944.834 TRACE    conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2936 - newgidmap 
wrote mapping "newgidmap 923788 0 1000 1 1 100001 65535"
lxc base 20210302210944.834 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_wake_child:124 - 
Child waking parent with sequence startup
lxc base 20210302210944.834 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_wait_child:118 - 
Child waiting for parent with sequence configure
lxc base 20210302210944.834 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_barrier_parent:92 - 
Child waking parent with sequence configure and waiting for sequence 
lxc base 20210302210944.834 DEBUG    start - 
start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved net namespace via fd 4 and 
stashed path as net:/proc/923785/fd/4
lxc base 20210302210944.834 WARN     start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1821 - Operation 
not permitted - Failed to allocate new network namespace id
lxc base 20210302210944.834 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_barrier_child:99 - 
Parent waking child with sequence post-configure and waiting with sequence 
lxc base 20210302210944.834 NOTICE   utils - utils.c:lxc_drop_groups:1345 - 
Dropped supplimentary groups
lxc base 20210302210944.834 NOTICE   utils - utils.c:lxc_switch_uid_gid:1321 - 
Switched to gid 0
lxc base 20210302210944.834 NOTICE   utils - utils.c:lxc_switch_uid_gid:1330 - 
Switched to uid 0
lxc base 20210302210944.834 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_barrier_parent:92 - 
Child waking parent with sequence cgroup and waiting for sequence cgroup-unshare
lxc base 20210302210944.834 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_barrier_child:99 - 
Parent waking child with sequence cgroup-unshare and waiting with sequence 
lxc base 20210302210944.834 INFO     start - start.c:do_start:1196 - Unshared 
lxc base 20210302210944.834 TRACE    conf - 
conf.c:turn_into_dependent_mounts:3192 - Turned all mount table entries into 
dependent mount
lxc base 20210302210944.834 DEBUG    storage - 
storage/storage.c:get_storage_by_name:211 - Detected rootfs type "dir"
lxc base 20210302210944.835 TRACE    dir - storage/dir.c:dir_mount:166 - 
 with options "(null)", mount flags "0", and propagation flags "0"
lxc base 20210302210944.835 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_mount_rootfs:1289 - 
Mounted rootfs 
 with options "(null)"
lxc base 20210302210944.835 INFO     conf - conf.c:setup_utsname:732 - Set 
hostname to "base"
lxc base 20210302210944.835 INFO     conf - conf.c:mount_autodev:1068 - 
Preparing "/dev"
lxc base 20210302210944.835 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:can_use_mount_api:486 - Kernel supports mount api
lxc base 20210302210944.835 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:__fs_prepare:158 - Finished initializing new tmpfs filesystem 
context 16
lxc base 20210302210944.835 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:fs_set_property:196 - Set "mode" to "0755" on filesystem context 
lxc base 20210302210944.835 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:fs_set_property:196 - Set "size" to "500000" on filesystem 
context 16
lxc base 20210302210944.835 TRACE    mount_utils - mount_utils.c:fs_attach:235 
- Mounted 18 onto 17
lxc base 20210302210944.835 INFO     conf - conf.c:mount_autodev:1128 - 
Prepared "/dev"
lxc base 20210302210944.835 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2077 - Mounted 
"none" on 
 with filesystem type "tmpfs"
lxc base 20210302210944.835 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2014 - 
Remounting "/sys" on 
 to respect bind or remount options
lxc base 20210302210944.835 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2033 - Flags for 
"/sys" were 4110, required extra flags are 14
lxc base 20210302210944.835 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2077 - Mounted 
"/sys" on 
 with filesystem type "none"
lxc base 20210302210944.835 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2014 - 
Remounting "/etc/resolv.conf" on 
 to respect bind or remount options
lxc base 20210302210944.835 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2033 - Flags for 
"/etc/resolv.conf" were 4110, required extra flags are 14
lxc base 20210302210944.835 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2077 - Mounted 
"/etc/resolv.conf" on 
 with filesystem type "none"
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2014 - 
 to respect bind or remount options
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2033 - Flags for 
 were 4096, required extra flags are 0
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:mount_entry:2077 - Mounted 
 with filesystem type "none"
lxc base 20210302210944.836 INFO     conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1165 - 
Populating "/dev"
lxc base 20210302210944.836 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:fd_bind_mount:289 - Attach detached mount 19 to filesystem at 20
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1245 - Bind 
mounted host device 14(dev/full) to 16(full)
lxc base 20210302210944.836 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:fd_bind_mount:289 - Attach detached mount 19 to filesystem at 20
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1245 - Bind 
mounted host device 14(dev/null) to 16(null)
lxc base 20210302210944.836 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:fd_bind_mount:289 - Attach detached mount 19 to filesystem at 20
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1245 - Bind 
mounted host device 14(dev/random) to 16(random)
lxc base 20210302210944.836 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:fd_bind_mount:289 - Attach detached mount 19 to filesystem at 20
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1245 - Bind 
mounted host device 14(dev/tty) to 16(tty)
lxc base 20210302210944.836 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:fd_bind_mount:289 - Attach detached mount 19 to filesystem at 20
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1245 - Bind 
mounted host device 14(dev/urandom) to 16(urandom)
lxc base 20210302210944.836 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:fd_bind_mount:289 - Attach detached mount 19 to filesystem at 20
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1245 - Bind 
mounted host device 14(dev/zero) to 16(zero)
lxc base 20210302210944.836 INFO     conf - conf.c:lxc_fill_autodev:1249 - 
Populated "/dev"
lxc base 20210302210944.836 INFO     conf - conf.c:lxc_transient_proc:3044 - 
Caller's PID is 1; /proc/self points to 1
lxc base 20210302210944.836 TRACE    conf - conf.c:lxc_transient_proc:3052 - 
Correct procfs instance mounted
lxc base 20210302210944.836 TRACE    mount_utils - 
mount_utils.c:fd_bind_mount:289 - Attach detached mount 19 to filesystem at 20
lxc base 20210302210944.836 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_setup_dev_console:1734 - 
Mounted pty device 8(/dev/pts/11) onto "/dev/console"
lxc base 20210302210944.839 TRACE    conf - conf.c:lxc_pivot_root:1459 - 
Changed into new rootfs 
lxc base 20210302210944.839 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_setup_devpts_child:1574 
- Mount new devpts instance with options 
lxc base 20210302210944.839 TRACE    conf - conf.c:lxc_setup_devpts_child:1587 
- Sent devpts file descriptor 8 to parent
lxc base 20210302210944.839 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_setup_devpts_child:1602 
- Created dummy "/dev/ptmx" file as bind mount target
lxc base 20210302210944.839 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:lxc_setup_devpts_child:1607 
- Bind mounted "/dev/pts/ptmx" to "/dev/ptmx"
lxc base 20210302210944.839 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:setup_caps:2487 - 
Capabilities have been setup
lxc base 20210302210944.839 NOTICE   conf - conf.c:lxc_setup:3576 - The 
container "base" is set up
lxc base 20210302210944.839 TRACE    apparmor - 
lsm/apparmor.c:__apparmor_process_label_open:405 - On-exec not supported with 
lxc base 20210302210944.839 TRACE    apparmor - 
lsm/apparmor.c:apparmor_process_label_set_at:1166 - Changing AppArmor profile 
on exec not supported
lxc base 20210302210944.839 INFO     apparmor - 
lsm/apparmor.c:apparmor_process_label_set_at:1179 - Set AppArmor label to 
lxc base 20210302210944.839 INFO     apparmor - 
lsm/apparmor.c:apparmor_process_label_set:1224 - Changed AppArmor profile to 
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_barrier_parent:92 - 
Child waking parent with sequence cgroup-limits and waiting for sequence 
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1872 - Set up 
legacy device cgroup controller limits
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1878 - Set up 
cgroup2 device controller limits
lxc base 20210302210944.842 DEBUG    start - 
start.c:lxc_try_preserve_namespace:139 - Preserved cgroup namespace via fd 10 
and stashed path as cgroup:/proc/923785/fd/10
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_spawn:1892 - Finished 
setting up cgroups
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    sync - sync.c:lxc_sync_barrier_child:99 - 
Parent waking child with sequence ready-start and waiting with sequence restart
lxc base 20210302210944.842 NOTICE   execute - execute.c:execute_start:66 - 
Exec'ing "/stacker/"
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    conf - conf.c:lxc_setup_devpts_parent:1519 
- Received devpts file descriptor 20 from child
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    confile_utils - 
confile_utils.c:lxc_log_configured_netdevs:244 - index: 0
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    confile_utils - 
confile_utils.c:lxc_log_configured_netdevs:245 - ifindex: 0
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    confile_utils - 
confile_utils.c:lxc_log_configured_netdevs:311 - type: none
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    confile_utils - 
confile_utils.c:lxc_log_configured_netdevs:319 - flags: none
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    confile_utils - 
confile_utils.c:lxc_log_configured_netdevs:344 - ipv4 gateway auto: false
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    confile_utils - 
confile_utils.c:lxc_log_configured_netdevs:347 - ipv4 gateway dev: false
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    confile_utils - 
confile_utils.c:lxc_log_configured_netdevs:363 - ipv6 gateway auto: false
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    confile_utils - 
confile_utils.c:lxc_log_configured_netdevs:366 - ipv6 gateway dev: false
lxc base 20210302210944.842 NOTICE   execute - execute.c:execute_post_start:82 
- '/stacker/' started with pid '923788'
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_serve_state_clients:448 - Set container state to RUNNING
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_serve_state_clients:451 - No state clients registered
lxc base 20210302210944.842 INFO     utils - utils.c:get_rundir:260 - 
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set in the environment
lxc base 20210302210944.842 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_poll:602 - Mainloop is 
lxc base 20210302210944.842 NOTICE   start - start.c:signal_handler:414 - 
Received 17 from pid 923789 instead of container init 923788
lxc base 20210302210944.862 DEBUG    start - start.c:signal_handler:432 - 
Container init process 923788 exited
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_poll:615 - Closed 
console mainloop
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_poll:620 - Closed 
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_poll:623 - Closed 
signal file descriptor 6
lxc base 20210302210944.862 INFO     utils - utils.c:get_rundir:260 - 
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set in the environment
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_expose_namespace_environment:883 - Set environment variable 
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_expose_namespace_environment:883 - Set environment variable 
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_expose_namespace_environment:883 - Set environment variable 
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_expose_namespace_environment:883 - Set environment variable 
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_expose_namespace_environment:883 - Set environment variable 
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_expose_namespace_environment:883 - Set environment variable 
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_expose_namespace_environment:883 - Set environment variable 
lxc base 20210302210944.862 DEBUG    network - 
network.c:lxc_delete_network:4167 - Deleted network devices
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_serve_state_clients:448 - Set container state to STOPPING
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - 
start.c:lxc_serve_state_clients:451 - No state clients registered
lxc base 20210302210944.862 INFO     utils - utils.c:get_rundir:260 - 
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set in the environment
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_end:940 - Closed 
command socket
lxc base 20210302210944.862 INFO     utils - utils.c:get_rundir:260 - 
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set in the environment
lxc base 20210302210944.862 TRACE    start - start.c:lxc_end:951 - Set 
container state to "STOPPED"

Signed-off-by: Tycho Andersen <>

  Commit: 2be770b895794bc96d9aff49806c19279d008364
  Author: Christian Brauner <>
  Date:   2021-03-05 (Fri, 05 Mar 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M src/lxc/attach_options.h

  Log Message:
  attach_options: explicitly number enums

Signed-off-by: Christian Brauner <>

  Commit: 14eb4531627861d3bc2a629b2b17d43378102980
  Author: Christian Brauner <>
  Date:   2021-03-05 (Fri, 05 Mar 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M src/lxc/attach_options.h

  Log Message:
  attach_options: fix whitespace error in LXC_ATTACH_NO_NEW_PRIVS

Signed-off-by: Christian Brauner <>

  Commit: e6135627c55536a23230c9e290b3d3226a32482b
  Author: Christian Brauner <>
  Date:   2021-03-05 (Fri, 05 Mar 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M src/lxc/attach_options.h

  Log Message:
  attach_options: add explicit defines for all enums

This makes it easier to detect support for various features at compile

Signed-off-by: Christian Brauner <>

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