I'm attempting to write a simple HOWTO for setting up a container with LXC. Unfortunately, console handling is really really brittle and the only way I've gotten it to work is kind of unpleasant to document.

Using lxc 0.7.3 (both in debian sid and built from source myself), I can lxc-create a container, and when I run lxc-start it launches init in the container. But the console is screwy.

If my init program is just a command shell, the first key I type will crash lxc-start with an I/O error. (Wrapping said shell with a script to redirect stdin/stdout/stderr to various /dev character devices doesn't seem to improve matters.)

Using the busybox template and the busybox-i686 binary off of busybox.net, it runs init and connects to the various tty devices, and this somehow prevents lxc-start from crashing. But if I "press enter to active this console" like it says, the resulting shell prompt is completely unusable. If I'm running from an actual TTY device, then some of the keys I type go to the container and some don't. If my console is connected to a PTY when I run lxc-start (such as if I ssh in and run lxc-start from the ssh session), _none_ of the characters I type go to the shell prompt.

To get a usable shell prompt in the container, what I have to do is lxc-start in one window, ssh into the server to get a fresh terminal, and then run lxc-console in that second terminal. That's the only magic sequence I've found so far that works.

The attached html file is a long drawn-out reproduction sequence for this.

I tried downloading lxc-git to see if this is already fixed, but running "autoconf" doesn't seem to want to produce a ./configure file for me. ("configure.ac:8: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_CONFIG_HEADER") I'm really not an autoconf expert (the whole thing is just a horrible idea at the design level), so have no idea what I'm doing wrong there.


To play around with containers, I chose to use a 3 layer approach:

  • Laptop - the host system running on real hardware (my Ubuntu laptop).

  • KVM - a virtual debian Sid system running under KVM.

  • Container - a simple busybox-based system running in a container.

So "Laptop" hosts "KVM" which hosts "Container".

The advantage of this approach is we can modify and repeatedly reboot the KVM system without interfering with the host laptop. Whatever we do to the KVM or Container systems

Step 1: Create a root filesystem for the KVM system.

Here's how to creates a debian "sid" (unstable) root filesystem and package it into an 8 gigabyte ext3 image. The root password is "root". If you prefer a different root filesystem, feel free to use that instead. This procedure requires the "debootstrap", "genext2fs", and "e2fsprogs" packages installed.

This creates a smaller image and resizes it because genext2fs is extremely slow at creating large images.

You'll have to run this stage as root, and it requires network access. The remaining stages do not require root access.

sudo debootstrap sid sid

echo -e "root\nroot" | chroot sid passwd
echo -e "auto lo\niface lo inet loopback\nauto eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp" \
  > sid/etc/network/interfaces
rm -f sid/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
echo kvm > sid/etc/hostname
echo cgroup /mnt/cgroup cgroup defaults >> sid/etc/fstab
mkdir -p sid/mnt/cgroup

BLOCKS=$(((1024*$(du -m -s sid | awk '{print $1}')*12)/10))
genext2fs -z -d sid -b $BLOCKS -i 1024 sid.ext3
resize2fs sid.ext3 8G
tune2fs -j -c 0 -i 0 sid.ext3

Now chown the "sid.ext3" file to your normal (non-root) user, and switch back to that user. (If you forget to chown, the emulated system won't be able to write to the ext3 file and will complain about write errors when you fire up KVM. Use your username instead of mine here.)

chown landley:landley sid.ext3
exit  # Stop being root now

Step 2: Build a kernel for KVM, with container support.

The defconfig in 2.6.36 is close to a usable configuration, but needs a few more symbols switched on:

# Start with the default configuration
make defconfig

# Add /dev/hda and more container support.
cat >> .config << EOF

yes '' | make oldconfig

# Build it

CPUS=$(grep "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
make -j $CPUS

(You might want to add -j $MYCPUS to your make.)

This builds a (mostly) static kernel, because rebooting kvm with a new kernel image is trivial, but copying modules into a loopback mounted root filesystem image is a multi-step process requiring root access.

Step 3: Boot the result under QEMU or KVM, and add more packages.

This invocation boots the newly built kernel with the sid root filesystem image, configured to exit the emulator when the virtual system shuts down. It allocates 1 gigabyte of memory and provides a virtual gigabit network interface hooked up to a virtual masquerading router (for the 10.0.2.X address range), with port 9876 on the host's loopback interface forwarded to the SSH port on the emulated interface.

kvm -m 1024 -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage -no-reboot -hda ~/sid.ext3 \
  -append "root=/dev/hda rw panic=1" -net nic,model=e1000 -net user \
  -redir tcp:9876::22

Log in to the resulting system (user root password root), and install some more packages to fluff out the SID install a bit.

aptitude update
aptitude install file psmisc less strace bzip2 make gcc libc6-dev dropbear lxc

Step 4: ssh into the KVM instance.

The KVM/QEMU console window is a nice fallback, but awkward for serious use. To get multiple terminal windows, or use cut and paste, we need more. Redirecting a port from the host's loopback interface to connect to the port of the KVM instance allows us to ssh in from the laptop system.

In step 3, we installed the dropbear ssh server, and the "-redir tcp:9876::22" arguments we used to launch KVM forward port 9876 from the host's loopback interface to port 22 of KVM's eth0, so we should now be able to ssh in from the laptop system via:

ssh r...@ -p 9876

Remember, root's password is "root". (Feel free to change it.)

Step 5: Install container support

Launching containers requires the "cgroup" filesystem be mounted somewhere. (Doesn't matter where, LXC will check /proc/mounts to find it.) In step 1, we added an fstab entry to the KVM sid system to mount cgroup on /mnt/cgroup.

We also need the LXC command line tools, which we installed in step 3.

Step 6: Set up a simple busybox-based container under the KVM system.

The lxc-create command sets up a container directory with a new root filesystem. It takes three arguments: a name for the new container directory, a root filesystem build script, and a configuration file describing things like what network devices to put in the new container.

LXC calls its root filesystem build scripts "templates" (see /usr/lib/lxc/templates), the simplest of which is the "busybox" template.

Unfortunately, the default busybox binary in Debian sid is insufficient. The "busybox" package doesn't include the "init" command, and the "busybox-static" package doesn't have "login". To work around this, we grab a prebuilt busybox binary from the busybox website, and add the current directory to the $PATH so lxc-create can find it.

We supply a trivial configuration file defining no network devices, mostly to shut up the "are you really really sure" babysitting lxc-create would spew otherwise.

wget http://busybox.net/downloads/binaries/1.18.0/busybox-i686 -O busybox
chmod +x busybox
echo "lxc.utsname = container" > container.conf
PATH=$(pwd):$PATH lxc-create -f container.conf -t busybox -n test

LXC creates the container's directory (including its config file and its root filesystem) under /var/lib/lxc.

If you want to delete this container, the command is:

lxc-destroy -n test

Step 7: Launch the container

Now we get to experience the brittle bugginess that is LXC 0.7.3. The first step to launching an LXC container is:

lxc-start -n container

This starts busybox init in the container, which will tell you "press Enter to activate this console". Unfortunately, LXC's console handling code is buggy, and this console won't actually work. (Feel free to play with it, just don't expect to accomplish much.)

To get a working shell prompt in the container, ssh into the KVM system again and from that window type:

lxc-console -n container

This will connect to one of init's other consoles, which finally lets you log in (as root).

You should now be able to get a shell prompt in all three systems:

  • The host laptop.

  • The Debian sid KVM.

  • The busybox container.

To kill the container, run this on the KVM system:

killall -9 lxc-start

(I don't know why lxc-start ignores everything but "kill -9". I think it's another bug.)

Next time, we set up networking in the container.

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