On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 5:35 AM, Jimmy Thrasibule <
jimmy.thrasib...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using LXC to run multiple Debian instances. For virtualization, we
> would call that host an hypervisor.
no, hypervisor is a different kind of virtualization. we simply call it

> So I'm running a Debian Wheezy hypervisor with many Debian Wheezy LXC
> guests. It happens that I'd like to run the same services on both the
> hypervisor and the guests.

host and container.

> In this case, nullmailer [1]. It turns that the init script provided
> by the package is looking for any running instances before starting
> the proccess:
>     PIDS=`pidof nullmailer-send`
> Since the hypervisor is also seeing the PIDs from the guests, the
> service is not launched.
> Question, how to solve this kind of issues? Can I hide guests PIDs
> from the hypervisor (and see them when needed)?
Not that I know of.

Have you read https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=687827 ?
The patch to nullmailer's init script there should work. I think it simply
uses pid file instead of pidof.

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