You need to be more clear. More response inline

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Mohan G <> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, now i guess my specific question is.
> 1) I have my own file system which i can load to the kernel. But i want to 
> restrict the file systems usage as a whole.

Do you mean your own file system module? e.g. something like fuse?
What do you mean by "restrict the file systems usage"? Only some
container can use that type of fs? Restrict its size?

Short version is you should set all mounts in the host (including
loading the fs module, if it's a new one), and the container can then
simply use it. Also, do NOT allow containers to mount their own
filesystem (this is already the default setting when you use ubuntu
container on ubuntu host)

> 2) which means if i can build a kernel template with my FS on it , then would 
> i be able to set limits on memory and cpu for the FS.

what "kernel template"? You DO know that containers share the same
kernel as the host, right?
Also, I see no direct connection between "memory and cpu" and the type
of filesystem. Are you perhaps confusing FS, when you mean "container"
(i.e. guest)

> basically i am looking for ways for FS to use KVM type limit ( in terms of 
> cpu and memory) without actually using KVM.

If you mean "limit container's cpu and memory use", see earlier
response about cgroups. Again, I see no correlation between FS and
"cpu and memory".

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