I've been using LXC's on Debian 7 for over a year now and everything has
been working great, but I've just been using the version that is packaged
with the distro and I figured it's probably time to get up to date and
start taking advantage of the newer features and unprivileged containers.
So I've created a VM with Debian 8 on it and downloaded the source for LXC

I configured, compiled, and installed the software without any issues, but
when I try to run lxc-create as a regular user I get the following error:

lxcuser@thinkhost:~$ lxc-create -t download -n c1
unshare: Operation not permitted
read pipe: Success
lxc_container: lxccontainer.c: do_create_container_dir: 772 Failed to chown
container dir
lxc_container: lxc_create.c: main: 274 Error creating container c2

I've set execute rights on the home directory for that user. Seems like I'm
missing something obvious. Below is the configure parameters I used. make,
make check, and make install reported no problems or errors:

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
--enable-doc --enable-capabilities --with-distro=debian

I can run the above command as root and it successfully downloads the
template and creates the container which I can then attach to.

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