
I used PeerVPN (by Tobias Volk) to connect my LXC containers on AWS &
Digital Ocean.   Servers on both were also connected in a mesh to a server
here at my home.

Tobias was a recent PHD graduate who wrote PeerVPN and after exchange of
some emails w/him I learned he had already taken into consideration things
such as auto-fragmentation & reassembly of large packets etc.

PeerVPN is a full mesh vpn and w/auto-learning of any new nodes added.

The PeerVPN source files are on Github and you might find the PeerVPN
config file comments/documentation very useful in regards to

PeerVPN supports both IPv4 & IPv6, layer 2 & Layer 3 VPN and is *very
simple* to configure compared to some other VPN solutions I looked at!

I documented my initial proof-of-concept doing this but Flockport did a
nice write-up of PeerVPN's
use with LXC also which included the L3 config info you might want.

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