On 2015-11-10 22:47, Christian Brauner wrote:

Yes, it is lxc-destroy but lxc-destroy does it exactly what it is expected to do. The cause is the incomplete clone: When you clone a container config of the original container gets copied. After the clone (copying the storage etc.) succeeds the config is updated. That means before the config is updated the config of your clone still contains the rootfs path to the original container.
You can verify this by doing:

        # lxc-clone -B dir testvm012d testvm13d

and checking

        YOUR-FAVOURITE editor testvm13d/config

it should still contain

        lxc.rootfs = /path/to/testvm012d/rootfs

in contrast to when the copy of the rootfs of the original container succeeds.
Then it will contain:

        lxc.rootfs = /path/to/testvm13d/rootfs

(lxc-devel might be a good place to determine whether this is a bug or not.)

Looks like lxc-clone should copy the config file at the very end, after rootfs.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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