When I read Serge Hallyn's writeup last year I thought it was great that
LXD/LXC now had this capability to "publish" an image so it could be shared

But then forgot about the article until last week when it dawned on me to
ask if there already exists a "public repository" that anyone could
publish/share their LXD/LXC container work to and share with others.

To me this would be the LXD/LXC equiv of the Docker "hub" concept and
really spur lxd/lxc use.

I did some google searchs but didn't come up with anything related to such
existing but searches being what they are I could have "asked' wrong.

So I thought I'd ask here on the lxc-user alias.    Does this exist?   Does
the existing lxd/lxc image repository have all the capabilities to support
public publishing of images?

If so...  is there a document that describes how to use it?   By that I
mean that I would imagine it would have to have some meta (descriptive)
data available that contributing container authors provide regarding "what"
their image does, limitations etc?

thanks for any info.

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