On 2017-03-10 03:16, Stéphane Graber wrote:

Hmm, then it matches another such report I've seen where some of the
threads are reported as using a lot of CPU, yet when trying to trace
them you don't actually see anything.

Can you try to run "strace -p" on the various threads that are reported
as eating all your CPU?

The similar report I got of this would just show them stuck on a futex,
which wouldn't explain the CPU use. And unfortunately it looked like
tracing the threads actually somehow fixed the CPU problem for that

If you just want the problem gone, "systemctl restart lxd" should fix
things without interrupting your containers, but we'd definitely like to
figure this one out if we can.

Yes, restarting lxd fixed it.

stracing different threads was showing a similar output to what I've pasted before. Stuck in some kind of loop?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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