On 2018-05-03 11:58, Mark Constable wrote:
On 5/3/18 12:42 PM, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
> Today or yesterday, bionic image launched in LXD is not getting an IPv4
> address. It is getting an IPv6 address.

If you do a "lxc profile show default" you will probably find it doesn't
have an IPv4 network attached by default. I haven't yet found a simple
step by step howto example of how to setup a network for v3.0 but in my
case I use a bridge on my host and create a new profile that includes...

lxc network attach-profile lxdbr0 [profile name] eth0

then when I manually launch a container I use something like...

lxc launch images:ubuntu-core/16 uc1 -p [profile name]

The bionic container is attached to a bridge with IPv4 networking.

Besides, xenial container is getting IPv4 address just fine, while bionic is not.

The issue is not LXD 3.0 specific - I'm able to reproduce this on servers with LXD 2.21 and LXD 3.0.

Tomasz Chmielewski
lxc-users mailing list

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