On Fri, Jun 08, 2018 at 12:13:34PM +0100, Thouraya TH wrote:
> Hi,
> In my cluster, i have 3 containers per host  and i have 10 hosts.
> all containers are ubuntu containers.
> My question: the rootfs of these containers are the same ?
> i have duplicated files in different containers repository ?
> Thank you so much for answers.
> Best regards.

Depends on your storage backend, all backends except the directory one
will use copy-on-write for deltas from the image used for the container
and their current state.

If using ZFS and have quite a bit of spare RAM you can also turn on
deduplication on your ZPOOL which will then deduplicate writes as they
happen, possibly saving you a lot of disk space.

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer

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