On 9/28/18 3:58 PM, Stéphane Graber wrote:
>  - You have the "fuse" package installed in the container, this has
>    sometimes been a problem.

Urgh... that was it! Installing the fuse package fixed the snapd startup :-). 
many thanks!

Would it make sense to add that remark to the blog post? Would it make sense to
add a dependency for the fuse package to the snapd Debian package? I'd open a
bug on the Debian bug tracker for snapd there then.

What had also confused me a lot was, that I had tested mounting a squashfs file
via /usr/bin/squashfuse. Which worked fine. So it did not cross my mind that
something regarding fuse might still be missing. Looks like snapd does not use 
squashfuse binary though and uses mount.fuse instead?

>  - That /lib/modules exists in the container, if not, create it with
>    mkdir, snapd is a bit picky about that sometimes.
I don't have that directory. But according to systemctl, snapd is running fine 
even without that directory.

Thanks again!

Cheers, Linus
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