Hi Patrick,

I noticed another problem with the macvlan driver.

In the function dev_forward_skb the test always succeed in the second 
condition making the packet to be dropped.


     if (unlikely(!(dev->flags & IFF_UP) ||
              (skb->len > (dev->mtu + dev->hard_header_len + VLAN_HLEN)))) {


When tracing I have the following values:

skb->len = 2962
dev->mtu + dev->hard_header_len + VLAN_HLEN = 1518

Do you have any idea where that could be come from ?


   -- Daniel

On 03/08/2011 03:41 PM, Patrick McHardy wrote:
> Am 02.03.2011 19:33, schrieb Daniel Lezcano:
>> On 03/02/2011 07:03 PM, Patrick McHardy wrote:
>>> Am 02.03.2011 17:03, schrieb Daniel Lezcano:
>>>> On 03/02/2011 12:03 PM, Patrick McHardy wrote:
>>>>> Am 01.03.2011 21:04, schrieb Daniel Lezcano:
>>>>>> On 03/01/2011 05:51 PM, Patrick McHardy wrote:
>>>>>>>> Patrick, do you have any suggestions to fix this ?
>>>>>>> Since the frames are only looped back locally, I suppose the easiest
>>>>>>> fix would be to mark them with CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY. Alternatively
>>>>>>> we need to complete the checksum manually, similar to what
>>>>>>> dev_hard_start_xmit() does.
>>>>>> That sounds very simple to fix, maybe too much simple :)
>>>>>> I did the following change:
>>>>>> --- linux-next.orig/drivers/net/macvlan.c
>>>>>> +++ linux-next/drivers/net/macvlan.c
>>>>>> @@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ static int macvlan_queue_xmit(struct sk_
>>>>>>            if (vlan->mode == MACVLAN_MODE_BRIDGE) {
>>>>>>                    const struct ethhdr *eth = (void *)skb->data;
>>>>>> +               skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
>>>>>>                    /* send to other bridge ports directly */
>>>>>>                    if (is_multicast_ether_addr(eth->h_dest)) {
>>>>>> and that fixed the problem. Do you think it is acceptable ?
>>>>> The only problem I see is if the packets are bridged to a
>>>>> different networking device (or redirected using the mirred
>>>>> action), in this case the checksum will not be completed.
>>>>> This would be a very strange setup though and probably wouldn't
>>>>> be using dummy as lower device, so I'm not sure we have to
>>>>> worry about this case.
>>>> I am not sure to get it, do you say the patch is correct ?
>>> Its correct with a short-coming that doesn't seem to matter.
>>>> If my understanding is correct, the packet will be flagged
>>>> CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY only for the macvlan devices, right ?
>>> Only for packets bridged between macvlan devices. A setup like
>>> the following would cause problems:
>>>                           br0
>>>                            |
>>>                      .----------.
>>>                      |          |
>>> macvlan0    macvlan1    eth0
>>>      |               |
>>>       -------.-------
>>>       dummy0
>>> In this case packets sent from macvlan0 will show up on
>>> eth0 with incorrect setups. However this setup doesn't
>>> seem realistic to me, you would simply use eth0 instead
>>> of dummy0.
>> Ok, I understand. thanks for the clarification.
>>>> By the way, this problem occurs for any lower device with offloading
>>>> capabilities with a macvlan port in bridge mode.
>>> True. This doesn't affect outgoing packets since their checksum
>>> will be completed in dev_hard_start_xmit(), but it affects
>>> packets bridged between macvlans.
>> One last question. In the case of broadcast packets with maclvan in
>> bridge mode.
>> We will have the packets going through each macvlan port and also to the
>> lower-device, right ?
>> For the latter, don't we have a problem if the packet is flagged
>> Shouldn't we restore the ip_summed field before sending through
>> dev_queue_xmit ?
> Yes, that seems correct in order to have dev_hard_start_xmit() complete
> the checksum if necessary.

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