Let me first off admit that I have not gotten checkpoint/restart
to work with the ckpt-v23-rc1-pids tree.  But hopefully this will
help make it easier to debug that.

Ideally (and eventually), the lxc toolsuite will be used for
checkpoint/restart.  However, c/r is too unflexible and lxc too
flexible, so for now I've just coded some scripts to create little
containers.  The start_job.sh script takes two arguments, a name for the
job, and the program to run.  It creates a container with private netns,
running an ssh server and a running your job in a screen session.  You
can checkpoint it with checkpoint.sh, and restart it with restart.sh.
kill_job.sh kills the job and cleans up the cgroup and other state.

You can get this from https://launchpad.net/~appcr/+archive/ppa,
or just put the attached scripts into /usr/bin.  They assume
nsexec, appcheckpoint, and apprestart exist (yes, bc 'restart'
is hijacked by upstart :( ).

The next time I can spend some time on c/r, I'll be using these
scripts to try and figure out why kernel isn't treating me
right.  I may go back to the rc1 (not '-pids') version.


PS - I did start on creating a 'lxc-cr'-like container template
to create checkpointable containers with lxc, but never quite got
that to work.  Perfecting that seemed inappropriate when
sys_checkpoint isn't working anyway.

Attachment: checkpoint.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: jobinit.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: kill_job.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: restart_real.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: restart.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: start_job.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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