vms1 is an Ubuntu 10.04 based host system (4 * Xeon 64bit) with:

root@vms1:/lxc# uname -a
Linux vms1 2.6.38-11-server #50~lucid1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 13 22:10:53 UTC 2011 
x86_64 GNU/Linux

root@vms1:/lxc# lxc-version 
lxc version: 0.7.5

I can start (Ubuntu 10.04) containers without problems:

root@vms1:/lxc# lxc-start -f fex.cfg -n fex -d -o fex.log

root@vms1:/lxc# lxc-info -n fex
state:   RUNNING
pid:      4073

But when I try to stop this container with:

root@vms1:/lxc# lxc-stop -n fex

the host (vms1) crashes with a kernel traceback.

After reboot of vms1 no crash traces are found in /var/log/

I have attached vms1 to a console server, where I can make screenshots:


It's a pity, but this console server (HP IP console) cannot log ASCII
based, it is GUI only. I can make only screenshots and cannot scroll back,
so the beginning of the kernel crash message is missing.

Any tips for debugging or even problem solving?

Ullrich Horlacher              Server- und Arbeitsplatzsysteme
Rechenzentrum                  E-Mail: horlac...@rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Universitaet Stuttgart         Tel:    ++49-711-685-65868
Allmandring 30                 Fax:    ++49-711-682357
70550 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:    http://www.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/

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