    Thank you for looking at this.

Serge> /However, I actually don't think it should happen the way you describe./

I believe you have mis-read my description. I think we are actually in agreement with what is happening.

    You said:

Serge> /So the mac address of the veth endpoint in the container should not matter./

    I think that is the same thing that I said:

Derek> [The problem MAC address] is NOT the mac address specified in lxc.conf, like this: = fe:16:3e:fd:5a:5b

        That MAC address has nothing to do with the bug; the host's bridge
device (br0) will never assume a configured LXC MAC address as its own.

    Also, you said:

Serge> /The other endpoint, the veth which stays in the host's network namespace, that is the one which gets placed on the bridge./

I agree, that is the address which causes the ~4 network second freeze. As I said in my original description:

Derek>> ...the MAC address in question is the one of the virtual vethXXXX device, as shown with "ifconfig" on the host:

veth0IEDlk Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 4e:34:7c:dc:92:e8

So, are we in agreement that the problem address is NOT the one in the LXC .conf file (as specified by the user), but instead is the "random" address of the veth device on the host?

Serge> /Hmm, I haven't seen this happen at all./

I have seen it on Ubuntu 10.04, and there was an independent description of the same symptom (and a different but very similar work-around) filed in SourceForge here:

    (That's SF bug ID# 3411497.)

As described in the libvirt bugfix for this issue (linked below), the reason some people see it and some people don't is that it only happens when the veth MAC address is lower than that of the physical eth0 device's MAC address. (That is how the Linux kernel handles it, by design. I don't know why.)

Since the MAC address is randomly chosen, it is a random symptom that will vary from one NIC to another. Those who happen to have a high MAC address for eth0 will see it more frequently (but still randomly.) This is a major impact on production symptoms, where a ~4 second network freeze could trigger admin alerts and/or failover scripts. (Note the exact duration of the network freeze also depends on your switches and routers, and how they handle ARP caching.)

Thank You,
Derek Simkowiak

On 10/24/2011 11:40 AM, Serge E. Hallyn wrote:
Quoting Derek Simkowiak (
      Just following up re: this bug.  I think it's a pretty serious issue.

      I am looking to work on this, but I am seeking some feedback and
direction from one of the core LXC devs.

- Do you agree with my analysis?
- Has anyone else worked on this already?
Hmm, I haven't seen this happen at all.  That doesn't mean it's not

However, I actually don't think it should happen the way you describe.
Note that the veth passed in to the container is *not* assigned to the
bridge.  The other endpoint, the veth which stays in the host's network
namespace, that is the one which gets placed on the bridge.  So the
mac address of the veth endpoint in the container should not matter.

(Disclaimer: my being wrong is a not-infrequent event)




On 10/18/2011 04:31 PM, Derek Simkowiak wrote:
       There is a behavior in the Linux kernel which can cause a bridge
device to change MAC address, thus causing a network blackout of several
seconds (while everybody ARPs the new MAC address flushes the old one).
This happens when bridging an enslaved interface, like we do with LXC.

       The symptom is that the LXC host will black out for several seconds
when starting or stopping an LXC container.  Your SSH terminal on the
host will freeze and become unresponsive.  (It is a random symptom,
because the blackout only happens if the randomly-assigned MAC address
of the virtual device is lower than that of the physical eth0 device).

       This behavior was first observed by the libvirt folks when creating
virtual machines.  You can read more details about it (and how they
fixed it) here:

       I have observed the symptom under LXC, and the workaround for it
has been independently confirmed for LXC in this bug report (ID: 3411497):

       The workaround for the bug is to give the virtual device a high MAC
address, thus discouraging the bridge device from adapting its MAC
address as its own.

       I have mentioned this bug on the list before, however, I was
confused about which MAC address was causing the problem.  This is NOT
the mac address specified in lxc.conf, like this: = fe:16:3e:fd:5a:5b

       That MAC address has nothing to do with the bug; the host's bridge
device (br0) will never assume a configured LXC MAC address as its own.
Instead, the MAC address in question is the one of the virtual vethXXXX
device, as shown with "ifconfig" on the host:

veth0IEDlk Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 4e:34:7c:dc:92:e8

       That HWaddr should be given a high prefix to avoid the network
blackouts, just like they've done for libvirt.  That does not exist in
any config file anywhere; it must be fixed in the LXC source code.

       I looked in network.c for the LXC source code and I think the fix
should go in lxc_bridge_attach() near line 991.  The fix would put a
manually-generated MAC address -- one with a high prefix -- into
ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data and thus replace the random one assigned by the

       However, I'm new to the LXC source and would like some input and
analysis from a more seasoned contributor.  I would be happy to test and
maybe even contribute a patch, but I'd like some feedback first.

Thank You,
Derek Simkowiak

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