On Thu, 8 Dec 2011, Arie Skliarouk wrote:

> When I tried to restart the vserver, it did not came up. Long story short,
> I found that lxc-destroy did not destroy the cgroup of the same name as the
> server. The cgroup remains visible in the /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/master
> directory. The tasks file is empty though.

And just now, I've had the same thing happen - a container failed to 
start and it left it's body in /cgroup - with empy tasks.

This is latest & greatest - kernel 3.1.4, lxc 0.7.5, Debian squeeze 
(kernel & lxc compiled)

It may well have been my own fault - trying to start a container whos 
disk image was NFS mounted and I got the error:

    mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified

and lxc-start hung. so I may be doing something bogus anyway, however...

(like e.g. trying to bind-mount /proc, /sys, /dev/pts, etc. into an nfs 
mounted directory?)


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