On Wed, 2013-04-03 at 11:29 +0200, Benito wrote:
> Hi There

> I've been working on a project on the Raspberry PI , where we want to 
> run a 32-bit /64-bit fedora 14 container
> on the RaspberryPi .

32-bit / 64-bit?  Huh?  What do you think you're running?  You're going
to be running on the host architecture and host kernel.  The Raspberry
Pi (RPi) is an ARMv6 (at least mine is) and that's 32 bit.  That's going
to be the container as well as the host.  You're not thinking you'll be
running i686 or x86_64 binaries in a container like that, are you?

> I've had success with LXC on a Mint14 64-bit (which 
> is Ubuntu 12 based I believe) host  with Fedora 14 - 64bit container  ( 
> Downloaded FC14 with the template -t parameter below..,, It was as easy 
> as running :

> apt-get install yum
> lxc-create -t fedora -n fedora14

I've got a feeling that is not going to work (at least not yet or at
least now without some effort) for you for a number of reasons...

1) That command you gave won't install Fedora 14 unless you were running
on a Fedora 14 host.  Running that command on one of my F17 hosts
installed F17 into a container named "fedora14" but it obviously was NOT
Fedora 14.  Below you say you tried it from a Fedora ARM Remix.  Was it
that the old F14 remix (no longer current or supported) or one of the
current F17 or F18 ones?

2) Why are you wanting to resort to F14?  That's been out of support and
past EOL for over a year now.  It was the last Fedora before they
started resorting to systemd.  If that's your concern, you should get
lxc 0.9.0 (still not on the web site yet - still at 0.9.0.rc1 but should
show up in a day or so) installed so you can support systemd in a

3) The current Fedora ARM Remix is F17 and F18 with versions of systemd
that's going to require lxc 0.9.0 or higher.

4) The current version of lxc in the F18 Remix is only 0.7.5 and will
not support running systemd in a container (F17 or F18) or running on a
host system running recent versions of systemd.  Sigh...

5) I don't know about the Raspian flavor (I'm running Fedora ARM Remix
F17 on my 4 Raspberry PIs) but the F17 ARM Remix has cgroups in place
that should not require a recompiled kernel.  It is going to need a
newer version of lxc, though...

6) Sigh...  Looking at what got built by that lxc-create command, I
realize we also have a template problem for containers running systemd.
The config files have to have "autodev = 1" in them.  Even if you
managed to create an F17 or F18 container and have the latest lxc, those
containers will not run properly without that option.  Damn...  I'll
take that up on the development list.

> Now I've been struggling with this for a few weeks , Compiled an LXC 
> friendly kernel on the Raspbian OS, - Debian wheezy ARM , also tried 
> with Fedora ARM remix.
> Is it even possible to run a fedora14 container on ARM (raspberry pi) 
> architecture ?

> If so can anyone point me in the right direction ?

I may see if I can pull this off on one of my F17 ARM Remix RPIs after
rebuilding lxc with the latest sources.  I think you can forget about
F14 (IMHO) though.

> Regards
> Benito

Michael H. Warfield (AI4NB) | (770) 985-6132 |  m...@wittsend.com
   /\/\|=mhw=|\/\/          | (678) 463-0932 |  http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/
   NIC whois: MHW9          | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0x674627FF        | possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

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