I've been trying to find what all the container states are that lxc-monitor
and lxc-wait can utilize?

man pages don't indicate them

I know that the following are available:

   - starting
   - running
   - stopping
   - stopped
   - frozen

Thats a pretty limited set of "states" but are there others?

*Is there any ability to establish local use-case "private states" that
could be reported via the        lxc-monitor or used by the lxc-wait commands
?  *

If not do any of you think this capability would be valuable?

Here's my example use-case...

*Say I have a container app and I want to know when it has finished some
initialization task it would be great to be able to somehow utilize
lxc-monitor or to use lxc-wait in a script that looked for my "private
state" to be reported and then take some further action or initiate some
other activity.*

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