> I'm using your template on an Ubuntu 12.04 stock LXC install.  I've run into 
> a problem trying to use shared memory with Python's multiprocessing library.  
> It relies on /dev/shm using tmpfs.  I tried mounting it with an entry:
> lxc.mount.entry = tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
> and variations of the above without success.
> The included Ubuntu LXC template creates several tmpfs entries and I don't 
> have this problem with it, so I think the issue is with the Debian guest.  Do 
> you have any idea how to fix this?

My best guess is that it has something to do with the cgroup device
restrictions. In the generated LXC configuration file you find several
lxc.cgroup.devices.* entries. Remove these (make them comments) and
restart your container. If this solves the problem you can probably copy
the device entries from the Ubuntu configuration to the Debian


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