On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 3:03 AM, Michael H. Warfield <m...@wittsend.com>wrote:

> On Fri, 2013-09-27 at 10:38 +0700, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
> > In particular, it solves the problem of mismatched rpmdb version (i.e.
> > when installing centos5 on latest ubuntu) by doing "yum install"
> > twice.
> I accomplished that with an "rpm --rebuilddb" sortly after installing
> the minimal packages.

Unfortunatey using JUST that didn't work last time I tested installing
Centos 5 from Ubuntu 12.04. So what I did was:
- move rpmdb location to the correct place (Ubuntu put this in $HOME/.rpmdb)
- try rpm --rebulddb
- test with yum
- if yum still complains, then reinstall a new environment using yum/rpm
from the temporary environment.

Relevant code section,
195 - 230

> You said it was based on the "official lxc-fedora template".  That
> template has been changing (by me).  What version of LXC where you
> working from?
It was a long time ago, I forked the branch from Serge's staging tree, with
his last commit 60a742e0af on Jul 31, 2012.

My change history should still be visible from the git commit log, so you
could either try to merge it directly, squash it into a single commit, or
write your own changes following the same principal above, as long as it
works :)

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