Thank you for the updates. LXDE needs all the help it can get these days so I would like to explore the possibility including your repository to the main lxde repo on github.

As a user of gpicview myself, I agree that it could use some attention and perhaps we should pool our efforts.

Any thoughts from active LXDE members on that suggestion? Things are moving very slow but we ought to encourage what little movement we can.

On 2020-03-22 5:52 p.m., Влад Стовманенко wrote:
Hi all.

I creatted a set patcher for bugs in GPicView some time ago, but it looks like the won't be reviewed. So I decided to publish it in other repository to make other people look at the changes and, maybe, use them. Also I tried to move to gtk3 and clean up api usage and currently application works on gtk in similar way (some bugs exist). I will continue my work for fixing other bugs related to toolkit version change and other GPicView bugs.

Please look here for code (

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