That is funny.
I use lynx on a shell service every day and meet with none of these issues. What is more, I have a stand alone copy on my pure dos laptop, and again never have a problem. granted it is just me, but I cannot imagine anything earth that I desire to do that requires window whatsoever, least of all running lynx.
It is commonly said though you create what you expect to find.
I expect success in DOS, and so I find it, no doubt your situation is far from mine.

On Sun, 25 Sep 2011, Keith Bowes wrote:

Je 2011-Sep-22 je 06:09, Stefan Caunter skribis:

I realize I had mostly stopped using google (with lynx) because of
this. Seemed to render worse for me in cmd.exe environments, probably
because of the smaller window environment.

You really should use an X server in Windows.  From my experience,
cmd.exe has really bad Unicode support (it halfway transliterates, but
that's still a bit pre-Unicode for me).

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