Hi, me again,

When I do browse the mobile version of wikipedia, I get:

Accept invalid cookie domain=wikipedia.org for 'en.m.wikipedia.org'

The request-host is 'en.m.wikipedia.org' and the cookie domain attribute value
from the response is 'wikipedia.org'. I don't see why the cookie would be

Refering to rfc 6265, domain matching (section 5.1.3) and storage model
(section 5.3) step number 6: the request-host is "domain-matching" the cookie
domain attribute value from the response, basically the domain attribute value
is a suffix of the request-host.

More intuitively, a response to a request-host can set a cookie for any domain
which is "smaller" than the request host, or the other way around, a response 
to a
request-host cannot set a cookie for any domain "longer" than the request-host.



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