Lennart Jablonka dixit:

> Handling XHTML approximately by treating it as HTML-syntax HTML may be useful
> in stead of refusing to handle XHTML, but that is not implementing XHTML.

Yes, but the onus is on the *server* to provide the data in a format
the client can handle because native XHTML-as-XML support is not
mandatory for webbrowsers.

>>  Empty-element tags may be used for any element which has no content,
>>  whether or not it is declared using the keyword EMPTY. [397]For
>>  interoperability, the empty-element tag SHOULD be used, and SHOULD only
>>  be used, for elements which are declared EMPTY.
> I.e., <asdf></asdf> and <asdf/> are equivalent.  There is a
> recommendation on what not to do.

This is wrong. Please read up the definition of “SHOULD” in
RFC what’shisname.

  “Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having
          a peeing section in a swimming pool.”
                                                -- Edward Burr

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