Even if we are still busy doing a lot of code shuffling and cleanup we
have time to release a new version.

New Features:
        - the -dbg command line switch is enhanced. f.ex. "-dbg lyxrc"
        works now. 
        - lightly better handling of dependency tracking for bibtex files.
        - new lyxfunc: command-sequence. Makes it possible to run
        several lyxfuncs with one command.
        - possible to use a more formal regex in file dialogs
        - incomplete support for CVS as revision control backend, use
        with _extreme_ care.
        - it is now possible to redefine the font used in lyxcode
        - g-brief updated
Bug Fixes:
        - output ~ and ^ as \textasciitilde and \textasciicircum
        - tth invocation should now be correct

Possibly broken:
        - literate support  (no reports in either direction)

Also LyX no longer outputs data and creator into the .lyx files.

Note that the internal code changes have been great, so unwanted bugs
might have sneaked in. No serious bugs have been reported, but use
with care.

LyX 1.1.3 can be downloaded from:

(will be moved to stable if few/no serious bugs are reported)

I am sure that pointers to rpm's for Redhat will be posted soon.


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