On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, John Weiss wrote:

> > BTW support for math environment was planned more than a year ago. We need
> > some kind of math.layout file to define the different possible
> > environments beyond the standard. 
> Does this mean we [you] plan to go back to equations being in their
> own paragraph environment?  Or will the Math Panel contain a list of
> "external/custom math environments".

No, this is to define dinamically (not hard coded) different *math*
layouts to support a set of AMS environments. Yes, the math panel could
have a list of available environments. 
> >     Numerated       [yes|no]
> <grammar police>I thnk you mean "Numbered"</grammar police>

Thanks. Most people on this list are not native English speakers so
some of us are not always too much careful.

> I'm deeply interested but don't quite understand the proposal.

I hope now it is more clear (clearer?).


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