> Well, AFAIK no, but recently I knew of something that could be useful.
> There is a library called MSWordView
> (http://www.gnu.org/~caolan/docs/MSWordView.html) that can import binary
> office97 word files. The Abi guys (http//www.abisource.com) use it to
> import M$ Word into AbiWord so I think it should not be too complex to
> adapt it for our purposes.
You could also take a look at word2x
which supports LaTeX output and catdoc
which supports (AFAIK) some limited TeX output.

One sidenote: IMHO would an import filter for Word for Lyx be a truly
'killer'-feature. I live in a students-hostel and all people around me
write their papers with Word. So we have people complain very often. :)
I always tell them: go use Lyx. The secondmost reply (after: 'I have no
Linux'), is, 'I have already written so much, its too much work to
convert'. Even if I had only small use for such a feature, I think it
would greatly help spreading the use of Lyx.


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