On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 12:47:04PM +0100, Serge Winitzki wrote:
> 1) When selecting a file in the File/Open box, double-clicking on the
> file name is very finicky, it seems to expect me to double-click
> extremely quickly.

Good point. I don't know why I never mentioned this annoyance, since it
seems it was easy to fix.

> 5) Two RevTeX glitches when exporting to TeX: first, the \documentclass
> line should really be \documentstyle, because the stupid RevTeX is still
> Latex 2.09 although its correct processing with Latex 2e requires a .cls
> file. Second, when using boldface in math, for example a boldface "x",
> followed by normal "+y", which should be the TeX code "{\mathbf x} + y",
> LyX incorrectly generates the TeX code "\mathbf{x} + y", which results
> in both x and y and whatever follows being typesent in boldface.

I believe the second problem isn't a revtex-specific problem. Mathed has
"issues" with boldfacing which will probably be fixed in 1.1. Also, as Lars
said, LyX does use documentclass for revtex. LyX comes with a revtex.cls
file which basically just calls revtex.sty in compatibility mode. RevTeX4
has been released in beta, and I started working on a layout file for it but
have been very lazy.


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