Forwarding this to the list since I'm over my head here. Has anyone else
gotten these problems with the LyX revtex.cls (from the command line)? Or
does anyone (welcome back, Jean-Marc!) know what would cause it? (Serge, it
might help if you reminded us what your tex distribution is. But it might
not :) 

As far as the requirement for hand-editing from style to class, as has been
mentioned it's not worth doing anything special because as soon as that lazy
good-for-nothing working on revtex4.layout finishes, it won't be an issue.


----- Forwarded message from Serge Winitzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Serge Winitzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So you're saying you can create dvi in lyx but not from the command line?

No, I can't create dvi anywhere. If I make TeX read the .cls file that
comes with LyX rather than the revtex.cls file that comes with most
Latex distributions, latex breaks with messages such as "Unknown option
`errorshow' for package `tracefnt' " and 
"l.173 \DeclareSymbolFont
! Undefined control sequence.
extract@fontinfo ... instead}else default@errfont 
                                                  errhelp nofont@help
l.259 \selectfont

> The problem is probably that lyx automatically puts LYXDIR/tex/ into your
> TEXINPUTS environment variable. (LYXDIR is something like

I made a TEXINPUTS path equal to
.:/usr/local/share/lyx/tex/:/opt/tex/lib/texmf// with the disastrous 
results above.

> Course you can change class to style by hand if you would like for when
> you finally want to send to the publisher . Or write a one-line sed/awk/perl
> script to do it.

Of course, that's what I'm doing but I thought I'd let you know.

----- End forwarded message -----

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