On 22-Sep-99 Pablo De Napoli wrote:
> Hello!

Hi Pablo!

> My name is Pablo De Napoli , and I work at the mathemathics department of
> Buenos Aires University (Argentina). 

A really nice city (I loved it :)!!! Have been there in March and will
probably return there in November. I have been in the Engineering 
department and have visited the Computer room but I couldn't find any
Linux Machine, so maybe the mathematics institute is better equipped #:O)

> Besides of that Lyx is free software , and let me tell you that I love
> linux ! (and the gnu programs). So lyx is just what I was expecting!



I'm no mathemagician ;) so I cannot answer to any of that questions.

> I work in mathemathics , but sometimes (as a hobby) I write some programs
> ; so perhaps I would like to make some contribution to lyx (for example
> making some of this minor modifications). But I couldn't get CVS working
> yet! (so I could not get the latest sources) 

Sure ever new developer is welcome!!! We lately had a bit problems with
our devel-pc, but now I source-code-and-pc-maintainer in Norway (thanks
to Lars here for all his work!) installed 2 new PC for the lyx-project,
(thanks to the people who contributed something so that this PC's could
be installed!) and now cvs should be running fine again!

Just drop a mail if you have particular problems!

> I also wold like to make another suggestion: I heard there is a user
> interface toolking like libforms , but it is free (The Fast Light Toolkit,
> see the debian distribution). If it were posible to port LyX to this
> clone, Lyx would become a fully GNU program!

We are working on GUI independence so that lyx can be ported easily to
other toolkits (Qt/KDE, Gtk/GNOME, ...), but this will take a little

Greets from Italy,



Dr. Jürgen Vigna                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gerbergasse 60                        Tel:    +39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen                         Fax:    +39-0471-970042
ITALY                                 Web:    http://www.sad.it/~jug

"They ought to make butt-flavored cat food."   --Gallagher


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