
I'm not a developer and so it's easy for me to give the following
How about switching the GUI toolkit which LyX is build on from XForms to
FLTK ? FLTK (http://www.fltk.org) is LGPL-ed, and even more, it provides
some kind of XForms- compatibility through a alternative xforms.h (but
not really complete). So IMHO (from my  none-developer-perspective) it
should not much difficult to switch to FLTK, with some porting efforts.
Looking for the advantages of FLTK over XForms, as already stated, FLTK
ist licensed under the LGPL. Another point is cross-platform
availability for both Linux/Unix and Win32.

It's only an advice, perhaps you could consider it and discuss about.

Good by(t)e,



-- Uwe Walschus -------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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