On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 04:53:14PM +0200, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> > - there's a separate cookie for each directory. Sorry. I don't really think
> >   it is changeable.
> The problem with this is that the customization feature is a
> per-directory thing, rather than a per-site thing.

Can someone who knows something about PHP and/or cookies help out with
this?! Is there a way to let the whole site now about changes made in one
directory? Is there a way to have PHP only sending a cookie for the whole
site, as opposed to one for each directory? Would it involve changing just
the main start.php3 document, or do you have to somehow change the php
configuration or something? Help!

> > - hit counter, if we care
> We care.

Cf. my last mail. Someone with any webmaster experience can probably tell me
how to fix the last step of giving nobody write permission. (Or would it
automatically work if lars just puts it in the write place?)


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