On 2 Oct 1999 15:33:52 +0900, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>BTW Arnd, could you prepare binary distribution of 1.0.4, or do I have
>to do it myself?

Till now I've only installed emx0.9c, which is not particularly a
problem with LyX 1.0.4, but it might be the last release which can be
compiled with the old gcc 2.7.2. Already did a statical compile with
forms0.88 and xpm2.4g and this optimizing which is a bit faster for
pentium and saves some 25% of exe size:

        CXXFLAGS = -m486 -O3 -Zmtd -Zsysv-signals -D__ST_MT_ERRNO__
-Wall -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -ffast-math. 

If somebody still uses LyX on a i486, I'll leave out the -malign-FOO,
which makes it probably a bit faster there, if 1st level caching
performance improvement through smaller code size isn't more important
than alignment.

I'm going to visit warpstock here in Bochum, so perhaps I'll get a 0.9d
CD for the release. I'm also considering to apply my last patch sent to
lyx list, which replaces some fork()/execvp() calls with simpler and
faster spawnvp(). 
Moreover you asked: Are we going to use this?

-               if (!isalnum(name[i]) && name[i] != '.')
+               if (!isalnum(name[i]) && name[i] != '.'
+                       && name[i] != '-' && name[i] != '+' name[i] !=
'=' )

IIRC I've already submitted to LyX list something similar. So I vote

Please everybody with interest may vote for their preference. A
possible small 'diff' will be included and submitted, if you vote pro
change (Open Source).

Of course as always I'll do a little bit of testing before releasing it
(and I always find unimportant bugs (ahem features) :-). Nevertheless,
you probably could provide a fast binary release for evaluation on
www.lyx.org as you did once, so that the experienced users can try and

Best regards,

        Arnd Hanses

P.S.: The already released LyX 1.0.1 is and will stay fully functional.
If you are happy with it, you don't need to upgrade. Particular
advantages for Warp users of the new release stem from some small fixes
in LaTeX file handling and minor miscellaneous fixes. I don't know if
improved LinuxDoc support is interesting here.

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