On 04 Oct 1999 22:28:34 +0200, Lars Gullik Bj°nnes wrote:

>"Arnd Hanses" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>| This is what I'm going to use in OS/2 release, unless there's protest:
>Of course I am at bit worried that the OS/2 release is different from
>the real 1.0.4.  

Well, as we all know, OS/2 is an acronym for 'OS/2 is not even similar
to unix' :-) So some tendency to deviate isn't avoidable. To explain
what I mean: 

Maybe you remember that I once advocated to have only one file with the
name configure.cmd. Well on Warpstock people showed me a (poor old
Murphy's?) version on a CD, which took the top-level configure and
installed it in path for Options->Reconfigure :-( ... 

The final release of a series is what I want to upload to
hobbes.nmsu.edu, the large OS/2 repository. I'll see what I can do to
make the binary useful and installation easy (and reduce the number of
questions OS/2 users ask Shigeru or me). This binary will then appear
as the final binary release on bbs's and CD-Roms all over and will run
on all versions since OS/2 2.1 (1990?; there is still a considerable
installed base of this release, I've learned yesterday). So it should
include *all* fixes/patches for 1.0.x., unless there are sound reasons
to omit them. At least I won't do this for every small intermediate
release, as it is not simply typing make bindist. Moreover -
considering how much stability has been achieved and that unlike Unix
it's XFree86/2 emx environment for OS/2 is binary standardized - I'm
convinced that OS/2 users won't have so much problems with the scarce
remaining bugs and really don't need to update often. 

The (one and only real) trap for the potential user is the lack of
practical and down-to-earth information on X, on how LyX works and what
it will do for you, what prerequisites you need for productivity and
how all this can be installed in a fool-proof way! Here has crucial
work to be done for LyX at this point. This was the issue when
discussing LyX with people on Warpstock. Just ask Adrian Gschwend of
netlabs.org (the gnome/2 and gimp/2 people who are interested in
pushing LyX too; search for the keyword 'everblue' project on

>Especially a version number should change...

I agree. of LyX for OS/2 ?

>So I'd rather you go with the current 1.0.4 

Well, everybody who's able to install omni-present emx (which is quite
simple if you are able to read a readme) and knows how to type
'configure' and 'make' can compile it and replace my binary, if need

>for now, and instead 

Why instead?

>work to fix in the lyx-devel.

Do I have any other option? :-)

Best Regards,


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