Well, it looks like Lars went ahead and put the newly revamped site up at

The new site contains lots of new and exciting things. Well, maybe not that
many. But it has a couple new pages and updated content, a slightly fancier
navbar and directory structure (which may or may not be better), a site map,
and limited configurability. Hopefully the site will be easy to use yet
informative for newbies and oldies alike.

It's all run via PHP (which we had to upgrade to fix a bug!), and Lars has
put the pages under CVS, so we'll be able to keep the site updated more
efficiently. I've also at least partially dealt with Asger's
(good) criticisms. The cookies are no longer directory specific & the site
map means you won't have to go searching for a given page in the

Please check out the new site, and let me know if anything is broken.


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