John Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| I'm sure there are other features that haven't made it into every
| compiler yet.  There are things which you can safely assume are now in
| every C++ compiler currently in use.  There are other things, features
| only recently agreed upon by the ANSI committee, that haven't made
| their way in.

Ah you mean "recently" as in "at least two years ago". :-)

| The best bet:  ask folks on the list to take a code stub and see if it
| compiles on their platform.  That should give us all a pretty good
| idea whether a Really Kewl New C++ feature is widely supported or not.

The problem we will get more and more are compilers that begin to put
all of the standard library into the correct namespaces. Then some
compilers will require the std:: prefix and other will accept it, and
yet others that will not compile with it.

Program that I'd like to have tested:
(checks for anon namespaces in global/file scope)


namespace {
        int foo(int i) {
                return i+i*i;

int main(int, char**) {
        int a = foo(5);

It this works on most/all compilers we can get rid of some depreciated
features that we use (e.g. static functions)
I know this works with egcs and gcc 2.95 so no need to test those.


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