OK, so I should study the mailing list blah blah blah. But. I just convinced
one of the folks here to use LyX. So she fired up the letter template... and
asked me how to do a postscript. Postscript? Um. I didn't know. There's no
postscript layout. What do I do?! Turns out you can do it with \ps in tex
mode, but considering how popular pses are in personal letters, shouldn't we
have a command that does it?

Or is it doable, I just don't know about it?

Incidentally, the documentation for the letter textclass is pretty sparse. 
The section in the user's guide mentions right address and address, but
that's about it. For example, no mention is made of closing, signature, etc.
Also, the section that introduces the classes first gives the five main
classes, and then the extra classes. Then it says that the classes will be
described further in Extended, but doesn't say whether it means all the
classes or just the extra one. So I looked for letter in extended, but it
wasn't there either.

Is *anyone* working on (english) docs right now?


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